Friday, May 10, 2013

Significant Event

The most significant event in the past four years of my life has to be the entirety of my senior year. It was the year in which I took steps to secure my future. I got my driver’s license, began talking to an Air Force recruiter, and studied in my classes so that I would graduate. All of these events compiled together make up an extremely significant time period for my life, because it is filled with accomplishment and pride in myself. That seems important to anybody, to feel like they’ve done something that actually matters, and that’s how I feel about my actions during my senior year. It is impossible for me to choose any one event because they have all been a part of a bigger plan!
                My senior year has shown me that I am mature enough to continue on in life, that I’ve grown enough to take on the challenges that will be presented to me. Even if I’m not, I have grown to be steadfast and I will push through any obstacles in my path. This is my resolution.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Integrity Essay

My father taught me about ethics and morals when I was very young. He shared his own views of right and wrong, and I found myself modeling my own values after his, from sheer respect. I believe the first time I was actually put to the test in regards to my values was in kindergarten, when a close friend of mine was being bullied. I stood up for him, which led to a fight… I ended up getting in trouble for sticking up for someone else, and it didn’t bother me, because I knew I did the right thing, and my father was on my side! I learned that if you do what is right in your own mind, then the consequences don’t matter, because you will be at peace on the inside.  My sense of honor was an impossibly important in aiding my growth into who I am today, and what I think is important.
                I like the fact that my friends and I have similar moral views. It allows us to get along easier, and we can agree on most controversial social issues, which I think is great. For instance, we share common belief in valuing each other, and protecting each other, that everyone is important, no matter the circumstances, that honesty is important, but there are situations in which a lie is more appropriate. There are, however, rare instances in which we have a disagreement, like in regards of personal preference of interests. When these happen, I simply sit back, and listen to them. I don’t interrupt, and when it comes time to air my own thoughts, I do so in a calm, level manner. I think this method is most effective, because nobody feels accused of something, so everyone remains calm and open.
                With my parents, we all share extremely similar thoughts, values, and morals. However, the difference comes when it is time to practice or voice these. I try to remain calm, and simply explain my side while taking into account what the other person believes. This is my preferred method. My father, however, more typically tries to get the other person to see that he’s right, in a calm fashion. It usually works, because he believes in very understandable things. My mother aggressively tries to convince the opposition that they are wrong, which is definitely not the way to go. That method simply makes you appear to be a prideful person who is unwilling to acknowledge another point of view.
                Generally speaking, I have been able to uphold my own personal values very well, and I am proud of myself for it. I know that there will soon be a time in which my conviction will be truly tested, but it has not yet come for me, and I am prepared for it. The closest I’ve ever come to testing my convictions is when religion is broached. It takes willpower to not blurt out whatever I’m thinking, even though it might directly contradict what the other person believes. These religious “debates” often times let you see how a person talks to another and how they express their viewpoints. Lucky for me, I have always been able to keep a level head in these conversations, being able to voice my opinion without stepping on any toes.
                Seeing the road that I have already walked, and looking forward to the future, I know for a fact that I’ve done a great deal of maturing in my life, but as long as there is another day ahead of me, I will continue to grow. I have developed significantly in just the short time I’ve been in high school, from freshman to senior year. I’ve learned to cherish what I have, and to let go of the small things that slow me down. I know there is one or two areas in which I need to grow, and that is sticking up for myself. I have always been there to defend a friend, but I recognize that I should protect myself as well. This is why I don’t think I should be a model of integrity, nor should anyone, because if we look at others to become inspired to become better people, then our individuality will suffer. It is better that we look to ourselves to see that we should become better people. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Theme of "Sweat".

I firmly believe that this theme is a strong and truthful one. "Sweat" Is a pheonix metaphore, where a woman in a abusive marriage, who endures physical as well as mental torment at the hands of her good for nothing, cheating husband, rises up and makes a stand for herself. She grows to reject her tormentor, and this shows nothing but strength and finality in it's core. That is the theme, and it's one a great deal of people should come to understand. Nobody should have to live with that which hurts theme. Nobody should have to live in an environment that is diseased, virulent. Delia grows to understand that, and she takes the matter into her own hands, and becomes active in her retribution, instead of passive in her abuse and neglect. This speaks to me, as a wake up call for anyone who has ever been in this situation, or a similar one. Rise up from the ashes, and realize that there is always a choice to end the suffering.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I belive Essay

This, I Believe

The day would seem much longer and much more laborious without smiles or laughter. I believe that the biggest contributors to happiness are the things that seem too small to notice, and that is what makes them important. When we don’t see what makes us happy, that is when we are truly at ease. The little things, however small, are as plentiful as atoms in the universe. That makes them stronger, and much more important than finding a $20 bill on the sidewalk. The smile you received or the high five with a friend. The full night’s sleep or the moments of calm relaxation. These are all little things that we take for granted, and it’s better that way. It’s true that without the other things to fill our lives, the world would seem bland and boring, but a healthy balance is just as important. When everything meshes together in the cogs that make up our lives, then it becomes clear that the little moments, they are the oil that sustain us, and keep us from grinding into one another. There are countless happenings in as short of a time frame as even one day, but they’re there. It’s just hard to tell, because as implied, the little things are little, but they matter.
                It was once said to me that one shouldn’t “Sweat the small stuff,” and I know that that was directed at the trivial little issues that also present themselves to us. Personally, I like to change that just a bit. I prefer, “Take the good with the bad, even when it comes from the little things.” That just makes me feel like im prepared for a good or a bad day at the same time, and that makes me feel more comfortable. Thus, I believe in personal comfort and preparedness as well.
                I believe in whatever makes you happy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I read some stuff

The theme i chose to read about was good and evil. This is because, like many others would agree, goodness and evil are very fundemental concepts. They cannot exist without each other, and where there is evil, there is goodness. They are two sides of the same coin, and while you may land on tails seven flips out of ten, the goodness is always there, even if it's heads down! That's why i chose this theme.

The titles i read were:

1.Fresh Strawberries, Rich, Dark Chocolate, and Generosity
2 The Seven Second Connection.
3. The Art of Bouncing Back
4. His Gravestone Read...
5. Be The Person Your Dog thinks You Are

The one that who's message i took most to heart was "His Gravestone Read..." because not only are his words true, they are sincere and heartfelt. The message is that without caring, the world would be a desolate, lonely, and utterly pointless world where nobody smiles and nobody loves. It's an apathetic place, and i recognize it as awful. However, as humans, it is in our very nature to care! We care about big, important things, we care about the small stuff. We care. Since we care, we are more unified, and more valuable as a whole. Therefore, in my eyes, the human race is inherintly good, rather than evil, as so many others believe.

Monday, April 22, 2013

This, I believe

I believe in equality because prejudices, hatred, and bigotry are plagues on this world that we are inching towards a cure for.

I believe in expression because otherwise, we would be trapped in a cage of uniformity, a cold and gray place where its prisoners hold colors in their hearts with no release.

I beleive in the simple pleasures because while it may be harder to notice the little things, the build much faster than you can imagine.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


My life has been dependent on music since i was a very young boy. It has shaped me and guided me, through words that were said via CD  or YouTube. While they may not have been meant for me specifically, they had a profound impact on my development. It started with a sweet melodic voice and a catchy guitar riff, the traits of my first favorite. However, as i began to discover more and more, i grew along with my tastes. I was attracted to the darker, heavier side of music, where anger and sadness took refuge. I found a home there, comforted by the experiences that i hadn't had, learning from others' lives. It was nice. The music didn't change me into a self-loathing creature, but rather opened my eyes to another side of life that wasn't all rainbows and ice cream. That was okay with me, i never wanted to be misled or kept in the clutches of naivete. As a bonus, of course, the music was fantastic! I had never felt as comfortable in my skin as i was when i was dancing lightheartedly to a great song. As time progressed, i became exponentially more aware and informed about the subject of genres, artists, mechanical terms, touring dates, etc. My tastes also flew into more dangerous waters, i began to prefer the heaviest of genres available to me, Metal. It's really a wonderful genre. There are many sub-genres like black metal, deathmetal, metalcore, and more. The message that the artists bring are also varied and spectacular. It isn't all anger and doom, there is uplifting and  righteous verses as well, which i think is just great. While i had a fescination with Metal, that does not mean that i was limiting my self to a diet of screaming and fast guitar playing. I also discovered Dubstep at about the same time, which i grew accustomed to after a short while. This genre is definitely more modern and diverse, catering to both the club scenes and the more esoteric peace and harmony style of life. The modulation and remixing of songs and sounds is a very interesting innovation, only made avaiable with the technology that today can offer. This, i also learned, described myself in a way. My personality had two different sides that wanted different stimulation. And, as lucky as i am, i found two radically different music genres to satisfy both. That's all i really need.